Faith over Fear

May 7, 2008 I was driving and as I approached a stop sign, I began to have what I thought was a "panic attack". I was hot, my heart was beating rapidly and I was losing my breath. I began to praise the Lord. I woke up in an ambulance, strapped to a gurney with 2 paramedics staring at me. The ER doctor says, "you are here because you had a Grand Mal Seizure". Wait......WHAT???!!! August 26th of the same year, I wake up in the middle of the night with a bitten tongue, sore muscles in a pool of my own urine (Grand Mal #2). This time, the doctor claimed I had Epilepsy and put me on seizure medicine. I was tested for EVERYTHING under the sun for the better part of a year with no confirmed diagnosis - only an assumption of epilepsy. I went to the Neurologist in November 2010 and told her that since I was not confirmed to have Epilepsy, I was not taking another pill. I went on a holistic cleanse. I had 1 seizure before the cleanse and one during (that's a total of 4). Two months later, I went to the doctor completely fatigued. I felt like a dehydrated plant: limp, lifeless and dry. After 2 years of tests he decided to prick my finger. My blood sugar was 485! He diagnosed me with Type 2 diabetes. The Grand Mal Seizures were due to low blood sugars. Two years later I've maintained a 50 pound weight loss (jump started by the cleanse in 2010). I was diagnosed with Type 1.5 Diabetes LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes Adult), Hashimotos and a thyroid that acts up on occasion. After many visits with a CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator) who has Type 1, I have learned how to LIVE with it. Diabetes does not mean a death sentence! It means you have a new job of monitoring blood sugars that you cannot quit. It's not easy but one can LIVE with it and that is exactly what I choose to do! FAITH over FEAR!

Southern, CA