Easy Breezy

Hey y'all, my name is Breanna but my close friends and family call me Breezy. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 8 years old...roughly 13 years ago.

After my diagnosis, I learned to take my diabetes in stride and let everything just be easy breezy. I had the support of my mom and sister, and that support has never wavered.

Throughout my ups and downs with my diabetes, my doctors, dietitians and immediate family have always supported my decisions, gave me solid advice for my diabetes, and enabled me to ultimately accept my disease. Despite the constant responsibilities and worries that come with diabetes, I have learned to not let my diabetes define me in a negative light. But rather, in a positive light.

Diabetes has taught me time-management, self-preservation and the ability to speak up for myself. I learned to fight for what I need and what with my disease, and manage my blood sugar levels and insulin injections in a mature manner all the while juggling the rest of my responsibilities in life.

My diabetes has allowed me to strengthen my faith in God, in the power of love and in myself. I continually hope for a miracle in finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes one day.

Breanna Larsen
Spring, TX