Double Trouble

I was in 6th grade 1 year and a half ago and when i was at school i got really sick. My mom came and picked me up from school and took me home were i laid on the couch for a couple days and i wasn't diagnosed yet so my mom gave me sprite to help with the stomach pains even though it made my sugar rise higher and higher till finally my dad who was a nursing student at the time came and stop bye to see how i was doing. He saw how sick i was and took me to the emergency room.

While i was in the hospital my mom put my sisters into bed because they still had to go to school the next day and she came to see me. My sugar was 894 and they could care for me at that hospital so the sent me to the ICU at another hospital. I had to stay there for a long time and it got really boring in their. So my aunt called me and told me my younger cousin had also got diagnosed at the same time! When i finally got out it was a lot and still is hard for me to take care of myself. I am happy to have great parents who care for me because without them i probably wouldn't be here.

Greenup, KY