Dont let diabetes ruin your dreams

When I was younger, I always wanted to do something in the medical field. Once I got older, I REALLY wanted to join the U.S. Army. Not every 13 year old female wants to join the Army. So I did my best to do everything I can do to join once I turned 18. I would do exercise everyday that the military would do and I was eating healthy. But in Nov 2013 I started to feel very bad. I was drinking a gallon of water every two hours, and going to the bathroom every hour in the middle of the night. My great grandmother was a type 2 diabetic so we knew that it was probably diabetes. So I got my blood sugar tested and it was 358. I was rushed to the hospital and was started on insulin right away and soon after the doctors told me i have Type 1 diabetes and it is not curable. I was devastated! I thought my life would NEVER be the same again. My dream career was ruin because of the stupid diabetes. I was in shock for a couple of months. I was very upset that the Army wouldnt accept Type 1 diabetics. They can stay at a US base at a hospital or something. But after looking around and thinking, I decided to join the Fire Department and became a Jr. Firefighter at the age of 14. I thought since I cant be a Field Medic in the Army I'll be a EMT/Paramedic at the Fire Department. I'll be 18 soon so I will be going to college to do my dream career. NEVER let diabetes stop you from doing your dream. If your dream is like mine, find an alternative way of fulfilling your dream! "Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and dont give up!"

Justine Perkins
burlington, KY