Don't give up!

I am 70 years old and have been a diabetic since 1988. At first it was scary, thinking I was going to die! I was on oral meds at first then they just up and quit working and then I was put on insulin injections.... Like most people I was not fond of shots! Then I said to myself, get a grip, I'm not done living yet, I CAN do this shot thing! That was waaaay back about 20 years ago and I now do the shots without giving it a thought. I test 4 times a day. I am on Novalog and Lantus. The "key" to keeping your sugar under control is......... maintaining good eating habits of course ( I do fall off the wagon ever so often) and keeping your meals at the same time every day if at all possible. We eat at 7 a.m , noon and 5 p.m. My dr's are very happy with my A1C. I will admit, at holidays it is very hard to maintain......WILL POWER isn't what it's cracked up to be........haha. But I do have a few bites of 'off limit' holiday foods. All in all I am doing quite well for an old lady. Hubby helps me to...........hon, should you be eating that???......... *busted*.
One thing that has improved over my diabetic years it the fact I can use the 'pens' now instead of the vials and syringes. MUCH better to carry with me.
So hang in there everyone, once you get your meds where they keep your sugars on track, you will be fine.

kennerdell, PA