Don't give up, it will get better!!!!

I was diagnosed as Diabetic last November [2013] and I went into the hospital because it started with me feeling REALLLY sick and not being able to keep any food or liquids down, not even the tiniest sip of water or a small cracker. And when they checked my sugars when I got settled into the hospital room, it was OVER 600! And honestly, who knows how long it had been that way. But I really thank my mom for saving my life, literally.

They tried me on a couple different insulin shots, and we had to keep switching due to my insurance not being able to cover certain ones. We finally found one that's a syringe and you mix it up yourself, and it's just a once a week shot. And I was already taking some of the Metformin [an oral diabetes medication] twice a day. I didn't mind the once a week shot too much, but the needle was a lot thicker than I was use to, so it deffinately hurt a bit more.

I just had an appointment a couple weeks ago with my diabetes doctor, and she said that whatever I was doing, I should keep doing, because when she looked at my numbers, everything looked completely normal!

That's when I got the best news that a diabetic could probably ever get. My endo doctor said that I'm doing so well that I don't need the weekly Bydreon shot anymore!!! My mom was so happy with this news that she cried, because she came in the room for the appointment.

She said that she was praying for me, a lot. And here's perfect proof that prayer CAN and DOES work wonders and miracles.

So no matter what age you are, or what type, it IS possible to get better. Don't give up on yourself yet!!!!

Melissa Franklin
Wilmington, NC