Don't Cry Mom

My son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on March 17, 2011 at the age of 4. Sick all the time, you name it, he had it. Closer to his diagnosis, drinking excessively, going to the bathroom a lot and disorientation. I had them run some tests at the dr. I knew what the outcome would be, but you are never really prepared to hear it. "Yes, he has diabetes." His sugar is 600. I started to cry and my son looks at me and says "mommy don't cry, I'm going to be ok." Of course I knew he was going to be ok, but the initial shock I was not ready for. On the way to the hospital, my son still saying to us, I'm going to be ok, and not knowing what he was getting ready to endure, we say "we know son." Little did we know that we would now begin the roller coaster ride of keeping his Blood Sugars regulated. How to check blood sugars before you eat anything and after you eat, calculate insulin to carb ratios and give him the correct dose of insulin. The first step, whew, done. It was 12:00 am checks, 3:00 am checks and 6:00 am checks for the first month. Then mentions to us, "mom, I want an insulin pump. I won't have to get anymore shots." Great, I think to myself, something else to learn. We make an appt. with a specialist to teach us all about the pump, basal rates, bolus rates, insulin/carb ratio, sensitivity, etc. I had no clue what she was talking about. But after many classes, hands on training, I learned very quickly. He is now an extremely healthy, 6 year old boy, who has grew almost 3 inches and gained about 10 pounds in two years! He is amazing and full of life. My HERO!

Patricia Young
Benson, NC