Discovering I was a diabetic.

On October 12, 2006, I was at work like any other ordinary day. I am a motorcycle police officer. While riding and doing "routine" patrol, I felt sick to my stomach and decided to head home. Then I really got sick, so I decided to go to the local hospital. As I walked into the ER room, I told the nurse I wasn't feeling well. They immediately put me in a room and hooked me up to various machines. The bottom line was, I was having a heart attack. During all the various blood tests, the doctor asked me if I was a diabetic. I told him I wasn't. He told me my blood glucose number was 356. I had not idea what that meant. I learned immediately, it was 3 times what it should be.

Prior to this, I had noticed I was drinking A LOT of water, really tired and getting up a lot during the night to use the bathroom. I just thought that it was because I was working in the direct sun for many hours at a time and was just replacing the water I was losing. I had no idea that this was an indication I was possibly a diabetic.

As far as I knew, I had no family history of diabetes. It was a complete shock to me!

Fortunately, I found out and started on a diabetes regiment, including a diet and medication.

I just celebrated my 8th year anniversary of surviving a heart attack and diabetes.

Every day I continue the fight to keep my blood glucose in check. As much as I hate to take the medicine and shots, I am a very lucky person to have discovered I was a diabetic before something tragic happened.

Don Cone
Santee, CA