Diagnosed with Type 1.....in Guatemala

On June 18, 2010, I was a 20 year old college basketball player who was heading to Guatemala on a Missions/Basketball trip with a Christian organization called Athletes in Action. We went there to put on basketball clinics at elementary schools, play games against Guatemala club teams, and most importantly, share the Gospel (the Good News about Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection).

The trip was truly life changing but the last few days of the trip I got very sick. I threw up for almost 48 straight hours and was taken to a clinic where they thought I was just dehydrated. They gave me some fluids and sent me on my way.

On June 30th, we were to fly back to the U.S. I woke up around 2am that morning, throwing up again. An ambulance was sent to my hotel and they checked me over. Everything seemed normal except that my blood sugar was around 500. They told me that they had to take me to the hospital even though I was supposed to be getting on a plane in a few hours. They loaded me up in the ambulance and we headed to the hospital.

The next thing I remember was waking up. It was 9am and I was in the ICU at the hospital in Guatemala City. My first thought: "SHOOT!!!!! I missed my flight home!!!" It was there, the doctor told me I had Type 1 Diabetes. I was shocked, in denial, sad, and angry. But then he told me something that I will never forget: "The Man above was looking over you. If you would have flown home with your teammates, you would have gone into a Diabetic Coma and could have died."

I was able to fly home on July 3rd and since coming home, I have had so much love and support from my friends, family, doctors, coaches, and teammates. It is amazing how God has used this experience to bring joy and open up doors to speak at different churches and to encourage other Type 1 Diabetics.

God Bless

James 1:2-4

Josh Henry
Winterset, IA