Diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes

When i was 10 years old , I was called to an appointment at the local hospital just for a normal checkup as I always used to suffer with bad chest and kidney infections when I was younger . Not like normal Type 1 diabetic I didn't really have any symptoms of it only recurring kidney infections. At the checkup the did blood tests and took urine samples .

A few minutes later the nurse came out and asked me to go straight to pediatrics ward as I would be in hospital for a few weeks .Not knowing was was happening the nurse checked my blood sugar and it was so high the glucose meter could not read it . My family nor me never knew what diabetes was later that night I became very ill .
I was told if I had not went to that clinic that day I would have been in DKA (Diabetic coma ) I was in the right place at the right time .

After that I did not have to go on injections straight away i was put on a strict diet and exercise within 2 months I lost 3 and a half stone .Within a month after that I started to feel very ill e.g vomitting and was sent back to hospital where I started my 4 daily injections a day .

Iam nearly 21 and since then i have learned to control my diabetes with daily insulin injections and strict diet . At first been diagnosed at a young age it was a big shock to me and my family and felt as if my whole world had changed but now there is so much more awareness out there about this disease which is so good to see. Diabetes has just became a big part of my daily routine .
And of course like anything in life I have my good days and I have my bad
But I have the best support from My family ,friends and also the diabetes staff at the local hospital .

Olivia Hunt
Co.Roscommon, Ireland