Diagnosed at 15 years old

In late 2010,My 15 year old Daughter called me at work one day saying she did not feel well at all. Being the Mother of a teenage girl, I figured she was just tired from school and homework and brushed it off. Later that week, she calls me again, complaining that she really does not feel well. This time, I could hear it in her voice that something really was wrong.

I rushed home from work to find her in an almost unconscious state. We rush to the Hospital. A few minutes after they draw blood, the Doctor comes in the room and asks " Does Diabetes run in your Family?" My heart sank into my stomach. My Daughter and I immediately looked at each other and started bawling. Her blood sugar was almost 600! When we first learned she had Type 1 diabetes, we were both scared and confused. After several days in the Hospital, and several hours of education, she was finally ready to go home.

It is now almost 5 years later and my Daughter just graduated High School and moved out with her Girlfriend. I am so proud that she did not let Diabetes hold her back from anything she wanted to do. Diabetes is not a death sentence and you can live a full life with it. My Daughter is a beautiful, healthy, functioning 19 year old women now. Sure, it can be very scary at times... Trust me, to this day, I still sneak a peak at her meter anytime I go to her house and she catches me every time.

I do not think we could have made it through the first two years without the support we got from her Doctor. They are there anytime you need them, even in the middle of the night when you call with many questions.