Diabetics Survivals Never Give Up

I am 22 Years Old and I am Type One Diabetic.
I was 7or8 years old when i became sick had fever also and keep going bathroom with in 20mins. While also drinking a lot of water daily. My Parents was un known with my illness, they were thinking i got simple fever. So first they give me simple medicines but nothing was in control and day by day i was becoming more sick. My dad took me to the nearest Clinic. In 1999 Those days diabetic was not common dr gave me few medicines but nothing got happen. I was back to the same clinic so they did urea test and finally dr realized i got the diabetic. Dr said to my dad your son got diabetic. My parents was unknown with that so dr advice them take me to the city hospital before going to the city hospital my dad again took me on another clinch where an expert dr directly did my blood test as well as urea test that time my blood test result was 40 mmol/l = 720 mg/dl as I remember . Dr was shock how the kid is still alive he did 3 tests in different machine by his self. So he just said to my dad take me in city hospital in emergency then i was there almost for 45days they trained my mom how to take care of me and give me insulin injection on time.

Its a hard life and its hard to control from eating but i am happy that I am in good condition and better then many of goods just trust in your self for those who got problem like me and never give up. Hope for the good and enjoy the life for at least for those who love you, for your own good life. Life is so good just try for best and keep move on with little awareness.

Abdullah Syed Ali Shah
Makkah Al Mukaramah, Saudi Arabia