Diabetic at 3

When I was 3 my family went to Australia for a holiday and that was when I started getting symptoms of diabetes. A little amount of time went by when we were home where I was always coming out of my room at night to use the bathroom and drink heaps- this got me throwing tantrums as my parents would make me go back to bed, as any parent would. When I got tested I went to hospital for a week to get my levels down and for my parents to learn how to take care of a diabetic. I don't remember much about how I felt at the time because I was so small. But now, 15 years later I have a pump and take care of my own diabetes with plans to become a diabetes nurse. It has definitely been an uphill battle over the years, but I can tell you that it is getting better and the hard work is paying off. I have no complications from being diabetic for so long and I intend to keep it that way!!

One thing that annoys me about diabetes is the amount of people who have type 2. You can prevent it, you can cure it!! So why don't you?? Us type 1s did nothing to become diabetic and are stuck with it. Type 2s aren't. Please if you can, make life better for yourself.

I am a diabetic. Always have been, it's what makes me different and myself. So no, I don't desperately want a cure. Even if it does suck so bad sometimes you just want to curl up and hide. I've met so many wonderful people, and I've made it this far, why not keep going.

Bailey Cockerton
Hamilton, New Zealand