Diabetes took my mom😥

In 1977 my mom found out she had diabetes but it wasn't a real well known illness then,they still were experimenting.She was on the only insulin at the time for her type and it was nph beef and pig.One needle a day.I was 7 at the time without a dad or
Siblings OR a telephone! I didn't know wtf to do when she wen weird so I'd try to get dry sugar into her mouth when she was passed out.I then had to prop the door open to the apartment so I didn't get locked out and run to the pay phone and phone my gramma,let it ring a cpl times them hang up so she could call me back at the pay phone so I could tell her to call the ambulance.She didn't take real good care of herself either cause its like,how serious is this disease anyways? Needless to say,over the years,because of bad fluctuations in her sugars her eyes started going,her kidneys were constantly sore and she had
To practically eat in the bathroom,she was stuck wearing depends.I raised her I'd say,not much of a childhood for me.To make a Long story shorter,in 1994,when I was 24,It was a Friday morning,I was dropping my kids off with her so I could go to work,That was the morning I found her dead!
Nobody says diabetes kills people,it's the complications from it by when people ask me what happened I say she died from diabetes.It turns out that her one kidney was infected and the other one was too weak to take it so just the exertion of standing up did it and her body was immediately poisoned so she went quick.I guess she should have been on dialysis awhile before that but didn't say anything to me😢

Vegreville, Canada