Diabetes is a tough Illness to control!

I am 28 years of age, I was Diagnosed Type 1 at 10. At 26 I suffered an extensive Brain Hemorrhage almost 2 years ago now. There is no proof that bad control was or could be the cause but that is what I put it down to so I can close that aspect of my life. Since the Hemorrhage I have never been as well controlled, my nutrition is so much better, my physical activity is routine (I am a Fitness Instructor) but I am happy the incident happened and it opened my eyes! As I say it was a good thing that happened in a bad way. I have always been a positive guy and I never let Diabetes get the better of me, even though it often has! It can be frustrating and hard to understand even 18 years of dealing with it! But, It should't control your life. It means a little more preparation and planning than usual but you still rule your body!! I have a Fitness saying 'I Can AND I Will' that is very motivational and great in any situation but I think it is perfect now to live your life in this way of thinking! That goes for Diabetes, any Disease any Illness and any Mental Health issues be positive and take control and it will never control you.

Mark Kavanagh
Castlerea, Ireland