Diabetes: A Family Affair

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 1988 while a Freshman in college at Virginia Tech. I had a lot of symptoms but didn't recognize them as there is not a history of diabetes in my family (My maternal grandmother was diagnosed while in the hospital after age 70 with Type 2). I ended up being ambulanced to the county hospital after a night of throwing up, dry heaving, etc. My blood sugar at the infirmary at school was over 900 and I was in DKA and in the hospital a week. So I began the usual insulin regimen and eventually have gone on and off a pump. I am very happy to say that I was able to have 3 precious, healthy children despite my diabetes. They are now 19, 17 and 12 but have seen me at my worst with low blood sugars and DKA. Numerous ambulance rides and hospital stays through the years.

My second husband of 14 years was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and is on insulin and a year and a half ago my youngest daughter was diagnosed with Type 1. So hear we are, a family bonded by the diabetes curse. This Summer, my youngest daughter went to a diabetic summer camp (Camp Little Shot) It was an eye opener for her and for us as well. As the years have gone by, I can only hope that in my daughter's lifetime, there will be a cure. In the meantime, I am grateful for all the research that is being done and the development of insulin that allows us to lead fairly normal lives.

I often read other people's stories and it amazes me how this disease affects so many people and how positive and uplifting they are to read. I hope my family and I can be inspirational in some way to some one too! We are survivors and won't let diabetes interfere with a active, happy life!

Dublin, GA