Daddy can't fix his little girl

May 2003 Kelsey was just 16 months old and teething, or at least we thought so. Not eating, just drinking and peeing a lot. Her symptoms just progressed down hill over the course of the weekend and finally we took her to the pediatrician doctor. He ordered blood work and chest x-ray STAT. He sent us home and said he will call us as soon as he gets the results. We were just walking in the door at home and the Dr. called... He said and I will never forget these words "I called the hospital, they are waiting for Kelsey... get in the car now. Don't call and wait for an ambulance just go". On the way there Kelsey passed out and my wife jumped in the back to keep her awake with no luck. When we got to the Hospital the medical team came from all over to her aid. Entering KDA made for a very long 2 hrs getting an iv in her. Two weeks in ICU, 2 more weeks till she was able to come home after Mom and Dad undergone training to take care of a diabetic. Now 12, Kelsey an insulin pumper and doing great. yes she has her days, wanting to just "fit in" with her friends. Her blood sugar average 6 years ago was about 280. Now its 135!! Kelsey has been very open to voicing her experience with being a diabetic, she recently fundraised for diabetes research and became a Youth Ambassador in the process. Now helping other kids to take care of themselves and educating parents with diabetic kids in school is her mission. Nothing stops Kelsey, bike riding, rock climbing, hiking, swimming, cheerleading to name a few. Daddy so desperately wants a cure... He cant fix his little girl on his own.

Gene P
Hackettstown, NJ