Changed my life

When i was first diagnosed in 2012, i was told to eat less and given a diet plan which in my mind i could not do. My physician even referred me to a dietitian, after speaking with the dietitian she told me to write down every thing that i ate and also handed me a diet plan, again my mindset would not allow me to do the diet. My dietitian then suggested that i attend classes on how to manage your Diabetes. I signed up for the classes that were 5 weeks for 4 hours each class. It was so eye opening that i started immediately to change my eating habits, i deleted sugar from my eating plan and stop drinking sodas of any kind. I started eating more fruit and vegetables and drinking more water. At first i gained weight but i did not get discouraged and soon the weight started to come off. From April 21013 to August 2013 I had lost 22 pounds. I take every day one at a time and i check my blood sugar every morning. I know that exercise is important but i am suffering from sciatic nerve problems so it hinder me from exercising some time but don't let that deter you do as much exercise as you can each day.

Sandra Malone
Fontana, CA