Caramel pizza

My brother got diagnosed when he was two. The doctors told my mum that there is no chance that I would get it, because nobody in our family has it. But still my mum kept on checking my bloodsugar once in a while.
One day, (I was four) when she checked, it was 19,6 mmol/l (353 md/gl). She called her friend to drive us to the hospital. When he arrived, she asked him if we could go to a pizzeria first. He agreed, and we went even though they both knew it was dangerous, because my mum knew I would never be able to eat that much carbs in my life again.
In the pizzeria, my mum ordered a sweet pizza and it was huge! It had caramel, chocolate, all this fruit... I don't think anyone would be able to count how much carbs there was in it. But, even though I was four I ate the whole, entire pizza.
Nothing happened to me, I didn't go unconscious, anything... Except that when we arrived to the hospital, my BG was 48,8 (878)!!
It's my 10th diaversary this year, and even though I remember what happened very mildly, I am really thankful to my mum for taking me for that pizza, because I know that it was really good and I probably wouldn't survive eating it again!

Veronika Skacha
Prague, Czech Republic