Beating Diabetes..

The day I found out I was type 2 diabetic Changed my life forever. 2 months prior I went to my Doctor telling him I was in so much pain. I was tired all the time so he diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. , Gave me medicine . Three weeks later I was feeling worse. I lost 12 ponds in 2 weeks. I was reading side effects of the medicine I was taking for my Fobromyalgia and it had all the symptoms of a diabetic. But I thought it was just the pill that was doing this. Didn't say nothing to no one until day 3 of my blurred vision. Called my Doctor I explained all my symptoms he said It has to be your sugar. Sent me home with blood work to get done. Called my mom and told her she said go to your grandmothers she has a glucose reader. So I took my sugar and the meter read HI 3 times. Called my sister she is a RN she said get to the Er your sugar has to be more then 500.. Sure enough it was 655. and my A1C level was 10.5.. I was so scared didn't know anything about Diabetes. I was in the hospital for 4 days. I didn't want to leave the Hospital I was afraid I couldn't do it on my own. I had a 3 year old at home and was afraid I couldn't care for him..One day I said this isn't going to ruin my life. It's not going to beat me I am going to beat it. It's been almost 8 months since my diagnosis and I am amazed of how much I learned when I look back of how tired I was and could barley lift my baby boy up to take care of him I cry. If it was for my vision being blurred I don't know if I would even be here. The doctors couldn't believe I didn't go into a sugar coma. My family has been great through all this. So thankful for them.

Marissa Kliem
New Castle, PA