Battle of Type 2 Diabetes

My name is Missy ( Short for Melissa) . I was in the happy stage of my life. I had recently married for the 3rd time to my soul mate ( 10 1/2 years now). We had moved to S Florida Hubby was offered a great job. A few years later decided to buy our first home . Everything was falling into place and I was happier than I had ever been. I started feeling tired all the time, thirsty and up multiple times a nite to use the restroom. I suffered with yeast infections , tired of using Monistat and it would come back within a week. My husband suggested I see a doctor. Well that time came for my yearly Pap. I didn't have a doctor yet so while my daughter was having a tooth removed we walked around the area. We came up on a Gynecologist which my husband convinced me to make an appoint so I did. A week later I went for my appointment and was told they couldn't do the Pap cause I was dumping alot of sugar in my urine. She gave me meds for 10 days and after 10 days she checked me and it became another 10 days.. It was all through my body, in my lips and ears, I mean all over inside and out. Really made me wonder why I was always itching. Well I went back to the doctor and was told my sugar was in the 500's ( I cant remember the exact). So I was put on Meds (Metphormin) . Im now on insulin ( Nova-log and Nova-lin) and other oral meds, BP meds, Cholesterol . After over 8 years Im finally seeing some readings below 200. I still have those bad days and I suffer with Diabetic Neuropathy in my right leg and foot. My A1C level was 10.4 and my last visit it went to 8.5 so I have made some progress with the new doctor (first time Ive seen an Endocrinologist) but its a battle. Thanks for allowing me to share my story.

Manassas, VA