Artificial Pancreatic Treatment Works

I am a 52-year-old type-2 diabetic who began the APT (Artificial Pancreatic Treatment) 2 weeks ago at Trina Health in Memphis. Since then, my years-long depression has completely lifted, I have energy to do the simplest things that I could no longer do, I even started exercising again - something that I had given up on a long time ago. I was never promised a cure, as there is none, but this treatment has made me feel good again. I had forgotten what that feels like. Each treatment takes 4 - 5 hours once a week at first, then less often, and the treatment consists of drinking 1 or 2 ounces of dextrose (with lemon) several times throughout the morning, and intravenous insulin in controlled small doses. This procedure works to retrain your liver and pancreas to play well together again. It's been in use for over 20 years, but the treatment facilities are few and far between. If you are a type-1 or type-2 diabetic and live anywhere near one of those treatment centers, I urge you to research this treatment for yourself and get in on what to me has been a miracle. I even lost 1.5 pounds last week, and have 100 more to go, and I feel like I will actually be able to do it!

Sheri Hall
Memphis, TN