Alyssa's story.

7 years ago, I was diagnosed with type one juvenile diabetes. I can picture it all right now. I remember the doctor telling me my pancreas wasn't working right. At my age, I didn't know what that meant.. He told me I had to take shots, poke my finger and watch what I eat daily. Like I said I didn't understand, I didn't care at the time. I didn't even know what diabetes was until I was diagnosed. I remember everyone visiting me in the hospital like I was some sick child. And until I went home on July 14, that's when I knew. It hit me, I knew that I would never be normal again. I've grown with my diabetes. It has it's rough times but it has also made me stronger. I love to be an inspiration towards other people. Diabetes has its ups and downs but without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I can say that diabetes has made me one of the most strongest girls out there. I know i'm young. There's times I wish I could go back and remember when I didn't have diabetes but there isn't a thought in my head that comes to me about not ever having diabetes. , and believe me; all I get is questions every day. "Why do you have diabetes? You're not fat" "You're too young to have diabetes" etc. I've been teased about having diabetes, I've been accused of doing drugs. I've been asked why I have so many scars on my body. Sometimes it just hurts. But I know JDRF will soon find a cure for this horrible disease. We will fight and conquer diabetes! It seems like forever I've had this disease but like I said it makes me stronger... I love sharing my story. Diabetes is a part of me, and it will be for the rest of my life... Until we find a cure!

Alyssa Rojas
Weston, FL