Addison's Story

When my daughter Addison was 3.5 years old she began to have an insatiable appetite and thirst, was using the bathroom frequently and wetting the bed multiple times a night. We immediately knew something was wrong. We took her to her pediatrician to be checked out knowing she was exhibiting symptoms of Diabetes. Addison was tested and her blood sugar was 685. Immediately we were on our way to Hasbro Children's Hospital! When Addison was admitted she wasn't sick, had no Ketones and was in good spirits. She amazed the Doctor's and Nurses and they kept telling us how lucky we were to have realized something wasn't right so quickly. There is no history of diabetes in our family, this was all new to us. Addison spent one night in the hospital and then we received out patient Diabetes education.

Once we understood the disease we made the choice to move her care to the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, MA. There we have become well educated and cared for. This diagnosis has made a profound impact on our whole family. Learning about diabetes, understanding this disease, meeting other families living with it has changed all of us. I have recently returned to school to earn a nursing degree so I can become a Diabetes Educator to help other diabetics and their families and to always be able to provide the best quality of life for my daughter. Addison overcomes and conquers obstacles each day. She is learning how important taking care of herself, eating well and being active is. Addison began pumping 2 years after diagnosis and is using and Omni Pod pump. Today she is an active, healthy 7 year old who does not let her diabetes get in the way of fulfilling her dreams! Her biggest dream is to one day have a cure for this disease!!!

Jessica Boulris
Cumberland, RI