a learning experience

i was diagnosed Type 2 in 1997. I didn't take it seriously. i rarely took my meds, and continued to eat and drink whatever i wanted. I never checked my blood sugar and I would switch Doctors when one would lecture me. That was up until 2007. I was sick, couldn't breathe, exhausted etc. After 2 days, i thought i had the flu, i went to the dr. they checked my blood sugar and the meter just said HI. My husband was told that I was in DKA, and if we'd waited one more day, i could have died. He took me to the hospital and they rushed me ahead of just about everyone. I couldn't sit up, and i was confused and couldn't really communicate.

i was hospitalized for 8 days. I was 'Scared Straight'. The entire experience made me look at Diabetes differently. I learned through a dietician how to eat right, check my sugar, and most importantly, exercise. i did end up with some kidney damage, but today i'm on insulin and meds, but i'm losing weight, exercising and eating right. Being a diabetic is a lot of work, but ignoring it is not the way to go. trust me.

San Diego, CA