A Hard Road

I was diagnosed 15 years ago. I'm 46 years old now. My journey hasn't been one of fun and happiness. I'd been really sick and lethargic with a fever for almost a year. When one of my doctors finally sent me too the lab for diabetic testing. He'd seen me enter the exam room with an abnormally large jug of water. 3 days later when I returned for my follow up he told me that I was diabetic and sent me to my first class the next day. I didn't believe him and I didn't want to do what the teachers and nutritionalist taught me. I was in denial. I ended up with diabetic Neuropathy and extremely bad eye sight. The Neuropathy is so painful sometimes it makes you want to cut your legs off. I also have chronic intestinal problems. My A1C is now 6.7 and I'm very proud of that. I take Janumet twice a day and insulin once a day. And even then I still have trouble with highs and lows. It's very scary sometimes but it's not something you can't handle. Now I'm fighting swollen veins and hardened blood vessels in my eyes. There is always something that is being damaged because of my diabetes. Numbness in my feet is uncomfortable. It's an all day, every day battle. Being scared if your sugar is going to drop low at 1 am. Or just being so tired all the time. Thank God I have my husband and daughter who watch me like a hawk. Diabetes is scary, painful, nerve racking, numbing and deadly. Don't be mischievous and not do what your told. The sooner you accept it and handle it like big men and women should the easier it will be for you to manage. You Will Still Have Bad days. That's the nature of the beast. But you can do it. And live a long wonderful life. Keep God first, do what the doctors say and you'll be fine.

Ellen Burno
King George, VA