A coma that could of killed me

I was 7 at the time, my parents noticed something wrong with me. My dad thought it was Diabetes of some sort (He was right). I went to the doctors to get myself checked up. The doctor told me to go home and drink lemonade. My dad used to go out to sea to make money for the family and he was cleared to come home and see me 24/7 at the right time. Here's where the coma comes in. After a week of missing school i went up to get some clothes. Then all of a sudden i just feel like i'm gonna pass out, i try to make it up the stairs (lucky i made it up but then went into the coma straight after) After i faint my parents take me straight to the hospital. What i can recall from my parents is when i got into the waiting room i was taken into the ER straight away and the Doctor basically told my parents i was done for if i got there 20 seconds later, after 8 and a half days of my parents staying at the John Hunter Hospital hoping i was gonna wake up, i did. Ironic something on the news about chocolate was playing. I kept asking where i was and my Dad turned around and he was shocked i woke up. He told me i was at the John Hunter Hospital with the biggest smile on his face i'd ever seen, 5 minutes after i woke up some guy gets me to do an x-ray. 7 years later here i am at age 14 taking the needles remembering this experience that could of caused me death at any moment. Be sure to question the doctor twice about things ;)

Kai Casey
Newcastle, Australia