6 and diabetic!

I am 17 years old. I have type one diabetics.
When I was 6 years of age, I was constantly drinking a lot of water and always needing the bathroom. I remember becoming ill with a really bad throat infection. I was off school for a while, and spent a lot of time at home. One day My granddad noticed that I have a sore throat and took me to the doctors, they said it was nothing and sent me home with medication. A few days after I got really ill and the meds weren’t working, my temperature raised a lot to the point I was up all night with fans running to keep me cool. My mum sat up with me all night to keep an eye. The morning after my mum woke to hear me struggling to breath; this is when my mum phoned for an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived my mum carried me to them, and they turned the blue lights on. I remember being told that my little brothers went to school telling everyone I wasn’t breathing. This was very frightening to hear. When we got to the hospital a team of nurses were already waiting for me but my mum was told if I didn’t respond the ambulance would have to take me to another hospital. It was an emergency. Lucky I responded and was took in the hospital. They treated me, and taught me all about how to use my insulin pens and manage my blood sugars. It took awhile to get used to taking insulin/injections 3-4 times a day as I wasn’t; am still not a fan of needles. I have been diabetic for 11 years now and have control of my glucose levels. I read so many stories on this website and it encouraged me to share mine. I’m always afraid to tell new people I have diabetics as when I was little I was always the strange one. But since joining this site, it’s made me realise there’s nothing wrong with having diabetics. And am proud to be diabetic!!

Emily-Ann Wood
Staffordshire, United Kingdom