27 years and counting....

I was diagnosed with type 1 at the ripe old age of 8. Type 1 runs on my dad's side so it should have come as no surprise. After our primary care doctor tried to treat it with diet, my mom finally took me to another doctor who admitted me to the hospital for a week. After that, I did not test like I should....at all. Thankfully, after 10 years out of control, I became pregnant, and that finally was what I needed to force me to take care of myself. Since I had my son at 18....who I honestly believe saved my life....my A1c's have been under 6.5. I have two healthy boys, now 18 and 12, and have been married to my Ryan for nearly 17 years. He and both of the boys have been excellent caregivers to me over the years. I finally got a pump about 4 years ago, and it has made my life so much better. Unfortunately, last fall I developed complications with small fiber neuropathy which is painful and disabling so after 16 years of working mostly full-time, I'm now unable to work. When I think about it, I feel lucky I don't have more and worse complications considering the way I didn't take care of myself for all those years. Moral of the story.....start checking those sugars frequently now so you don't have to experience these complications!!

Jayme Kepner
Walnut, IL