19 years and counting!

Something just wasn't right. Evan had been drinking and peeing constantly lately and at first we didn't really think anything of it. But when our little 2 year old started laying around and looking very pale and almost gray in color, we rushed him to the emergency room. They kept coming in and taking blood from his finger, at least 4 times. We had no idea what was happening. Then the doctor came in. " Evan has Diabetes, we checked his blood sugar over and over to make sure it was right. His blood glucose level is 1495 and I can't believe he's not dead right now." Yes, the doctor said that! He was amazed our baby was still conscious, let alone alive. At that point we were in shock, we were crying, we didn't know what to do. Evan had to be rushed by ambulance to the Children's Hospital and admitted to the ICU. We spent the next 10 days there learning how to give insulin injections, test blood sugar, and know the signs of low and high blood sugar. When Evan finally came home we went back and forth to the ER because of low blood sugar, after all a 2 year old cant exactly tell you when his sugar is low, and when he was 7 he almost died from low blood sugar. But we worked on it and eventually adjusted. Evan is now 21 and doing great. Evan has never known a life without Diabetes, without testing, and insulin shots, but he still wishes for a cure everyday. My wish for my son is for him to one day say "I USED to have Diabetes.

Virginia Beach, VA