18 and a new Diabetic

I got diagnosed with diabetes when I was eighteen a month before I went to college. It was a big hit because nobody in my family at the present time had diabetes and I really knew nothing about it. I went off to college just a few short months later and it sucked because I felt like I couldn't do anything because I was diabetic like it was holding me back. When I started my sophomore year in college I was so angry at everything and everybody that I decided I was going to do whatever I wanted and it didn't matter what anyone else thought. That was a mistake. I became really sick and had to take a semester off and that is when I finally realized that I really needed to take care of myself. I also decided that this illness, this stupid disease was not going to define me. I am six feet tall and at that time I only weighed about 130 pounds which isn't good at all. I finally took control over my illness and it was tough and I was mad. Most people don't understand the anger that comes with having a chronic illness. I am not an angry person but it made me so upset when I couldn't talk to anybody about it because nobody understood what I was going through. I finally made the choice to get better and I am so much healthier today and I can still eat sweets and do what I want as long as I watch my blood sugar. I am a different person because of this disease and for me I became a better person. It still sucks because I am only 24 and have this stupid disease but at least I'm living my life and not letting diabetes hold me back. My pancreas may be lazy but I am no longer complacent.

Ann Marie
Watseka, IL