Inspiring Stories

Share your experiences, hopes, and dreams for the future.

i keep fighting to survive

i keep fighting to survive

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 8 years old. I had been sick for awhile before finally getting diagnosed. By the time I was 18 I didn't plan to have kids because my doctor told me that the longterm damages of diabetes could endanger a baby's health. I got pregnant when I was 19 but I was in a very abusive relationship. My son was born perfect and healthy. When i got pregnant again I had a lot of problems with my blood sugar and got put on an insulin pump. I went into labor early and my daughter died. A year later i was pregnant again and my son was born. Fortunately neither of my sons have diabetes or any health problems. I was able to leave an abusive relationship and married the love of my life 3 years ago. Everyday is a struggle but I'm still here. Diabetes is a battle everyday. What works for one diabetic doesnt work for another. I hope a cure can be found soon so i can be free.

AutoFill Elizabeth Day
dayton, OH

Early onset of diabetes

Early onset of diabetes

The disease had an early onset in my body and it was not a really good news to hear when you are battling with issues on how to get pregnant. I was diagnosed to be diabetic in 2007 during a health examination when I was accepted in a BPO company. And it was not amusing that at the age of 32, I already had this disease. I was in the height of so many things and all I wanted was to be as normal as everybody else. I am obese and diabetes runs in the family. Been married for 5 years and still childless when I was diagnosed. It was quite a sad news. Though I cannot reverse it anymore, I tried my best to follow doctor's advise. I controlled everything I ate. I still eat sweet foods sometimes but I always consider the portion and calorie content so as not to suffer from sugar spike. Sometimes when I am so stressed out with work, the sugar would shoot up and I would slow down gradually. This will be an eternal battle for me but I am very much ready for it. For the sake of the people I love. I have vowed to myself that as much as I can, I should try to be healthy. To live longer for the people I love.

Acel Sison
Manila, Philippines

Dont let diabetes ruin your dreams

Dont let diabetes ruin your dreams

When I was younger, I always wanted to do something in the medical field. Once I got older, I REALLY wanted to join the U.S. Army. Not every 13 year old female wants to join the Army. So I did my best to do everything I can do to join once I turned 18. I would do exercise everyday that the military would do and I was eating healthy. But in Nov 2013 I started to feel very bad. I was drinking a gallon of water every two hours, and going to the bathroom every hour in the middle of the night. My great grandmother was a type 2 diabetic so we knew that it was probably diabetes. So I got my blood sugar tested and it was 358. I was rushed to the hospital and was started on insulin right away and soon after the doctors told me i have Type 1 diabetes and it is not curable. I was devastated! I thought my life would NEVER be the same again. My dream career was ruin because of the stupid diabetes. I was in shock for a couple of months. I was very upset that the Army wouldnt accept Type 1 diabetics. They can stay at a US base at a hospital or something. But after looking around and thinking, I decided to join the Fire Department and became a Jr. Firefighter at the age of 14. I thought since I cant be a Field Medic in the Army I'll be a EMT/Paramedic at the Fire Department. I'll be 18 soon so I will be going to college to do my dream career. NEVER let diabetes stop you from doing your dream. If your dream is like mine, find an alternative way of fulfilling your dream! "Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and dont give up!"

Justine Perkins
burlington, KY

Sugar? What's that?

Sugar? What's that?

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in 2006. I was working two jobs & barely getting much sleep. I was thirsty and tired all the time, I almost fell off to sleep while driving in to work and started getting sick. I stopped being lazy and decided to go visit my GP, first question he asked was if I ever had my sugar checked? To me that was an alien question, I had no idea what he was talking about.

He told me to go get a random sugar check done. I had a random and fasting blood test done. It was confirmed I was diabetic & it no longer was an alien term to me. However I still could not make sense of the illness, what was it? what did it entail? Everyone was worried & I was like what is the big deal, till I did research and found out it's not the best thing to have. I was admitted in hospital and was to stay there for a week till we got the hang of what needed to be done, how to inject myself with insulin, how and when to check my sugar levels. Things were happening inside my body and it was so foreign to me. I was on the wrong insulin for a year. I've forgotten what it's like to get a normal 8 hours of sleep, given that I need to go to the bathroom every hour.

I moved to Australia in 2011 & had my insulin change a few times and dosages go up. The worst part about living with diabetes is it fluctuating from high to low. I had no idea with this comes depression, feelings of anger and irritation. But the good thing is, you can live with diabetes and live a full life as long as everything is in moderation. The most important way to fight this, is change of lifestyle. My hats off to those who deal with in on day to day basis and respect to all their loved ones who fight this illness with them.

Denise Pereira
Melbourne, Australia

From Normal to Type 1 in No time

From Normal to Type 1 in No time

In 1988 my Asthma and COPD kicked into high gear. I was in and out of the hospital so many times they knew me by sight in the ER. Finally my Dr. ended up in putting me on a year long high dose of Prednisolone. We knew it was a risk as having been adopted in the 50's I had no family medical records to rely on. 1989 my body gave up the ghost and fight and i started running BG's over 600. Finally weaned off the steroids, they still didn't go back to normal. My pancreas had grabbed the Amex and was headed for a lifelong vacation. Pills, combinations of Pills, Pills and Insulin shots, it didn't matter how careful my diet, what I took...they stayed high, as i grew immune to the various pills. They don't tell you that can happen..they just hand you more and more medications that don't work after a couple of months or so.

I fought that battle until 2005, following a strict diet, fighting the depression that hit every time my BG sent me to the hospital. Trying every new thing they came up with including Symlin and Byetta only to find they made me so ill my life was threatened. Finally we tried the pump. I had moved from Type II to Type I. Uncontrolled and brittle, it seemed like I only had to look at a slice of bread to have my BG's soar. Neuropathy affects my balance, my grip, my sight and more.

With the pump I have a life again. Sick days, I can bounce like a yoyo, too high, too low, too whatever, but I have better control now with the pump with only 1 insulin that works for me, Novolog.I also have a diabetic alert dog Shilo who will wake me when my BG goes wacky, and alert anyone nearby. Athena my refill prescription is rapidly learning as well. Without them and the pump, I wouldn't have a life. Bless them all.

Cathryn A Ciszek
Titusville, FL

T1D at 38!

T1D at 38!

I love my job as a vet and I love my horses and my many hounds... and then in August 2013 at age 38.5 years I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Because of my age I was put on Metformin. Within 2 days I was critically ill but still went to work. I called the Medical Centre and was told it would take time to adjust to the medication... I told them that I "think they will find I am a Type 1 Diabetic".
It's all been up and down hill since then. I am a "brittle diabetic" - high one minute and low the next. In NZ you have to pass all sorts of criteria to get a pump. I am still waiting.
In the meantime I am enjoying my hounds and winning many show prizes, I am about to breed my young Hanovarian mare to a very special stallion. I had established a life I enjoyed before diabetes and I am going to see it through.
I will continue to practice, I will continue to breed, love, show and course my beautiful sighthounds and I will be starting my next home bred dressage horse in 4 years time. And on top of that you will see me compete at Grand Prix in dressage!
Kia Kaha... Diabetes might slow us for a bit but it can't stop us.

Huntly, New Zealand

Meet Katy, Strong and Brave

Meet Katy, Strong and Brave

Shortly after Katy turned 16, we went back east for a visit, we had just moved to Michigan. We noticed that Katy had started drinking a lot and was always thirsty. We figured it was due to traveling and staying in hotels. When we got home we noticed she had lost weight, and was still extremely thirsty. I called the Doctor, but since we had just moved there we had to wait 2 weeks to see anyone due to being a new patient. My friend told me she though she had diabetes, but I didn't think so, since there's no history of it in our family. By the time we got to see the Doctor she had lost 25lbs. The first thing the doc did was draw blood and do a urine test. She walked in the room and said "Katy has Diabetes. You need to go home and pack a bag and go right to the hospital, I'm calling them now, they will be expecting you." We just cried together. I Drove home, told my sons to look after each other, called my husband and we left for the hospital. I had no idea how to deal with diabetes, I knew nothing about it. We spent 3 days in the hospital learning. Katy said, "I will not let this disease control my life, I will not go back into the hospital!" My daughter is the strongest women I know! She hates this disease and all that comes with it, but she doesn't let it get her down. She has been horseback riding since she was eight, she volunteered at a rescue center and earned a horse of her own! She is now 24yrs old, married to wonderful man, working and is about to graduate college! She is so strong willed, nothing slows her down, especially Diabetes! I am very proud of her!

Lisa Butkiewicz
Gregory, MI

Learning Life's Lessons through Diabetes

Learning Life's Lessons through Diabetes

I have always been an optimistic thinker with a flair for sarcastic and witty comments....and I have found that dealing with a chronic disease is no different. In fact, it has been my saving grace in dealing with Type 1 Diabetes since I was 13 years old.

Now, at 30, I still try to keep my attitude up, even when complications from this horrible disease sometimes set me back. When I was diagnosed, I truly did not realize the severity of type one, nor did I realize how life changing it would be. I was a teenager and naturally thin. I am 5'10 and was already close to that at the time of being diagnosed and dropped down well below 100 pounds. I had no energy to even walk and found simple tasks at home and school to be more than challenging. I was only diagnosed with Strep Throat and it took me collapsing in my living room floor, near death, before we realized this was way more than the common sore throat that my pediatrician had originally diagnosed.

Blood sugars were over 1000 at the hospital and my family quickly realized that I was alive solely by the grace of God. I have had horrible trips to the ICU and days where I feel 100% OVER IT. Thankfully those are few and far between and my positive attitude prevails. I am more than thankful for a mother and father that would do anything for me, support me continually and push me to live outside of what I have been slated to deal with in life. It has taught me that the saying is true: Everyone you meet is fighting a battle. I think about diabetes every minute of my life...and while that is unfortunate, that will also keep me alive.

Lindsay Taylor Combs
Lexington, KY

Daddy can't fix his little girl

Daddy can't fix his little girl

May 2003 Kelsey was just 16 months old and teething, or at least we thought so. Not eating, just drinking and peeing a lot. Her symptoms just progressed down hill over the course of the weekend and finally we took her to the pediatrician doctor. He ordered blood work and chest x-ray STAT. He sent us home and said he will call us as soon as he gets the results. We were just walking in the door at home and the Dr. called... He said and I will never forget these words "I called the hospital, they are waiting for Kelsey... get in the car now. Don't call and wait for an ambulance just go". On the way there Kelsey passed out and my wife jumped in the back to keep her awake with no luck. When we got to the Hospital the medical team came from all over to her aid. Entering KDA made for a very long 2 hrs getting an iv in her. Two weeks in ICU, 2 more weeks till she was able to come home after Mom and Dad undergone training to take care of a diabetic. Now 12, Kelsey an insulin pumper and doing great. yes she has her days, wanting to just "fit in" with her friends. Her blood sugar average 6 years ago was about 280. Now its 135!! Kelsey has been very open to voicing her experience with being a diabetic, she recently fundraised for diabetes research and became a Youth Ambassador in the process. Now helping other kids to take care of themselves and educating parents with diabetic kids in school is her mission. Nothing stops Kelsey, bike riding, rock climbing, hiking, swimming, cheerleading to name a few. Daddy so desperately wants a cure... He cant fix his little girl on his own.

Gene P
Hackettstown, NJ

I had trouble believing

I had trouble believing

I worked untill I was 65 years old had to retire as they was downsizing Social Services, the year before they decided I had high cholestrol so put me on statins then they said I had high blood pressure I was amazed as had never had it before so was given Ramipril.....although i kept getting bladder infections they never checked me for Diabetes and whats worse I never suspected I had it, I have Hypothyroidism also which i have had since my 20's and the Doctor said i was taking too much so wanted to cut the thyroxine down I said look here if i was taking too much((which I have in past years so knwo the symptoms)) I would be losing weight and I am not so somthing is wrong some where...he sent me to a gland specialist who said everything was alright ....whilst there I had a blood test and they said that too was alright....months later I decided to go to the Doctors again as had a terrible thirst which I could not get rid of, they took a blood test again and away i went....few days later the Doctor rang me saying can you get down to the surgery we have your blood test results back and the sugar level is very high.... so off to the Doctors I went again and they told me I had to take some tablets to lower the levels...that was three years ago I have tried Insulin and that gives me a few hypos so asked the Doctor if i could try some new tabs that came out and I am on them now....I have found a good diabetec site on the net who tell you about controlling your carbs and am trying this out also.....I have lost over three years 6 stone through exercising and diet and I would say to all out there do not be dismayed we learn something new every day so Live, Love and be happy...Trisha

Nottingham, United Kingdom