You Shall Live and Not Die...

I was diagnosed with breast cancer, March 27, 2007. My husband and I were @ my son's house. My OBGYN had been playing phone tag for about 2 days. When I answered the phone, he just cut through the chase and said that my mammogram showed that I had breast cancer. I was out on my son's porch because we were in a meeting. My knees started to buckle, but I thanked him, hung up and went back in the house. My husband asked what the Dr. said, I told him I'd tell him later.

On the way home, I ended up telling him that I had cancer. I was still in shock! My daughter lived in Maryland, 1 son lived in Pittsburgh & one was still at home, at the time, so I wanted to wait to tell ALL of our children @ the same time. We planned a cook-out for Memorial Day with the family so I didn't tell them until then. I was curling my daughter's hair and told her. My sons I told individually.
During the course of all of the doctor's appointments and test, i had a couple of melt downs, but the one that made the most impact was when I told the Lord I needed something to get me through this. I went to my Bible and He led me to:
Psalm 118:17 "I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of Jehovah."
From that day forward, I believed that and 7 years later from breast cancer and 3 years away from thyroid cancer in March, 2011, I am still here to share in many special days!
My advice to those going through their journey...pray, stay focused, be positive and this too shall pass! Everyone's journey is different! I pray you too will survive! Each day is a gift for me and I take nothing for granted!

Thank you Lord for life!

Pauletta Brown
New Kensington, PA