You need to trust your instincts

In December 2011 I had a mammograms that came back with some noted thickening. I had been getting yearly mammograms for years due to having "lumpy" breasts. I also had yearly ultrasounds for the same reason. No one seemed too concerned with this finding and chalked it up to aging. I was 45.
I was not comfortable with this response. I talked to a friend who runs a mastectomy boutique who just told me to not let it go. So thankful for that advice.
I went back to my family doctor who wasn't very supportive and I had to fight for follow ups She had to leave town and a new doctor finally listened. Thank God I didn't give up.
The tumour was very aggressive and growing rapidly. Within six months of the original mammogram it had caused my left breast to be an entire size larger than the right. It was extremely painful. Yet my original family doctor insisted it was a cyst.
I had to have a radical mastectomy of the left breast in September of 2012. It turned out there were three types of tumour in the same breast. The most concerning being inflammatory breast cancer.
I under went 8 rounds of chemo and 25 rounds of radiation. I thought I was through the worst. I was feeling great and getting my life back I have three beautiful daughters that keep me fighting.
I have now just been diagnoses with a reoccurrence of this tumour at the original site. Just had it removed and waiting to see if need to do more treatments.
Don't stop fighting if you know something isn't right. Know your body!!

Kelly Dawydenko
Thunder Bay, Canada