You Have Breast Cancer!

I lost my dad to a rare form of cancer on January 16th, 2009 and was still mourning his death when I was told I had breast cancer (IDC..invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 1). It was June 17th, the day before my 52nd birthday and I had the lump removed June 19th. My only question at that moment was how do I tell my family. I was told the cancer wasn't hormone receptive and I would have to have 6 chemo-therapy treatments (every 3 weeks) and 24 radiation treatments. My 1st chemo treatment was August 24th. I wasn't sure how I would feel after the treatment but, by listening carefully to my onocology team and having a positive attitude, I've been able to handle most of the side-effects so far. I still have a long way to go and with the support of my family, friends and the cancer clinic I will beat this disease and live a long, prosperous life.

Christy Desrosiers
St-Maurice, Canada