You gotta laugh about it!

Two weeks after my first chemo treatment, I was at work, and bored, so I was just twirling my hair around a finger, heard a snap, and pulled my finger away, with a big chunk of hair attached. I reached up with both hands and pulled some hair out of both sides of my head. I start thinking "What can I do with this?" So later, my boss came into the room where my co-worker and I were. She asked how it was going, and I turned to her with the most miserable look on my face, and said in my most disgusted voice, "You know, sometimes this job just gets on my nerves so bad, I coiuld just pull my hair out!" and I reached up and pulled out two handsful of hair as I said that. Their eyes got so wide, and the look on their face was priceless. I burst out laughing, then they got the joke and joined it. I went home that night and shaved my head. When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw...... my brother looking back at me. You gotta laugh about it!

Annie McNeil
Owen Sound, Canada