My mother died at 63 1/2 from diabetics and heart problems. I had no one to ask, "does cancer run in our family?". Well here's my story.

In August 2008, I went for my birthday gift to myself, my yearly mammogram. After having to go back twice, I was told to see a surgeon. Well I was upset and came to work. One of my co-workers told me of a very good man who she had once gone to for some tests. After making my appointment, he told me that he was 99% sure it was nothing to worry about. On Sept 3rd I was informed that I had stage zero cancer. Yes ZERO. I underwent 2 lumpectomies and 7 weeks of radiation. I have been cancer free since then.

Mammograms are not fun and they hust for a matter of 45 seconds, but they can save your life. I am living proof.

Lynn Jackaway
Doylestown, PA