Words of courage by Teresa Burdick

In April of 2006, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I received the results from the lymphnodes they removed from under my arm, it was almost discouraging. But being the person that I am that was short lived. Out of 19 lymphnodes, 16 were positive. My cancer was well on its way to being a disaster. I did 6 massive chemo treatments. Then I had 6 weeks of radiation. Yes, I had won the battle. One year later, I had a major headache that was getting worse. This time I had a brain tumor on the left side of my head just above my temple. Here comes brain surgury. To my surprise, it was NOT cancer. Yes, I was still winning the battle. About 9 months ago, my tumor marker tests were not looking good. My numbers were climbing. The cancer was back, but where was it. Every two months I did a PET scan. It was hiding. No where to be found. Then a few weeks ago I did another PET scan and it showed up finally. My breast cancer had moved into my lymph system around my stomach and going up my chest towards my neck. It was now also in my bones some. But the worst is that I have a large tumor hiding behind all of my organs in an area that they cannot get too. Once again, I am doing chemo. I started on 4-9-10. I will get a treatment every three weeks for a total of 6 treatments. If all looks good I am done once again. If it doesn't look good, off to a new plan. I will not give up. I am not done with life yet. This battle can be won again.

Teresa Burdick
Ely, NV