Wonder Woman - Amazon women come in all shapes and sizes as proven by my friend, Valerie Foster-Chapin.

In Mid June 2013, Val was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer can't win with this woman's indomitable spirit.

Val's Facebook page is a veritable journey through the ongoing saga of her fight with breast cancer. Amid her "Fight Like a Girl" and "Hope Matters" postings, are brave photos of her bald head and frank descriptions of her uphill battle with chemo.

But within all of that inspiration and trepidation are comments like this...

When told she had to undergo more chemo treatments, “I am SO glad a word bubble didn't appear above my head, revealing what I was silently saying.... “

Commenting on a nurse approving her bloodwork; "She decided the #'s were good enough for government work (how scary is that!?), so I skipped down the hall to the chemo room."

Commenting on her wardrobe malfunction, "…Oh yeah, and Denise also suggested to me that I might not want to wear blue underwear with pale pink shorts again. Thank you SO much, baby sister, for making me excruciatingly aware of this fashion misstep."

Upon hearing that she could get the chemo treatment despite health challenges; “I fist-pumped my way from the lab to the chemo room. Settled into a recliner, covered myself from my neck to my sandals with my fleece blanket, arranged my Wonder Woman doll and my Kindle on my lap, and had a ridiculously large grin on my face as I awaited the placement of the ridiculously large IV needle into my not so large vein. I am aware that I scare some of the other patients, but whatever... “

Commenting on her new outlook on life; "I'm still the luckiest cancer patient I know. Plenty of time to think, not about Miley Cyrus, the trend this year toward politically correct Halloween costumes so that no one anywhere in the world who does not possess a sense a humor might be "hurt," why chocolate has to contain as many calories as it does, why dust exists -- these are not things I waste time thinking about. "

Wonder Woman and Val - My heroes!

Lori Quinn
Ronkonkoma, NY