Without family and friends

My journey begain in February 2011, I went to a routine mammagram, that was 4 months over due. That day I had a mammagram, sent for an ultrasound, and sent back for another mammagram. Then was scheduled for a needle biopsy. Was called by the doctor (not the nurse), so I knew what the doctor was going to tell me.

So on March 1st, 2011, I heard those dreaded words, "you have cancer." Which at that point you no longer hear or comprehend anything the doctor says after those words.

So I did go for a second opinion, since I was asked to make my decision of a lumpectomy, mastsectomy and bilatteral mastsectomy, based solely on the test results thus far. I went elsewhere, where they did and MRI, PET scan and bone scan, and they could tell me without a doubt that the it was found in one lymph node, and hadn't spread beyond that area. I now knew what I was looking at in terms of treatment. For me, the best decision was bilatteral mastsectomy followed by chemo and then radiation.

So about the title of my story, "Without family and friends." You see I was also a widow of one year on February 1st of 2011. I lost my husband unexpectantly the year before. So my family and friends were my rock, they took me to appointments, they held my hand, and they were there for me through it all, and I don't believe I could of done it without them.

So, if you find yourself unforunately on this journey, and I pray you don't, but some of us do, my suggestion to you is find a strong support group. People who are there for you, to hold your hand, a shoulder to cry on and to say a Prayer of Hope together. Because they will hold you up when you feel you are at your lowest point.

I would like to say that my journey is making me a better person, I have reevaluated my life and what is really important.

God Bless you all.

Knoxville, IA