With God all things are possible.

It was January 5, 2012 when I heard the three words that no one ever wants to hear. "You have cancer". The overwhelming feeling of emptiness is undescribable.
Rewind a few months to September 9, 2011. This was the day of my first date with the man who would shortly become my husband. He propsed three months later on the night of December 9, 2011. A week before Christmas while at work I leaned down to pick up something that I had dropped and while doing so I felt a knot under my armpit. My heart sank and I paniced. I knew it didn't feel right and I had a bad gut feeling about it. I had my first mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy done. A week later my resuls were back. I had stage 2 breast cancer. After much crying and talking we decided to go ahead and get married before I had my surgery and began my treatments. I knew that I could fight this thing and be strong as long as I had him by my side through it. We were married on January 21, 2012 and the follwing week I had a lumpectomy, 13 lymph nodes removed and a mediport put in. I started the first of my 8 chemo treatments on February 14, 2012 (yep, Valentine's Day!). As I sat at the Cancer Center I had never felt so out of place. I was the only young person there and I didn't look sick like those around me. Chemo has to be the hardest thing I've ever been through. It literally takes the life out of you. I lost my hair a week after my second treatment. It ruined my confidence and no woman should have to go through that. I also had 33 radiation treatments. 2012 was definitely an eventful year for me but everything happens for a reason. I now appreciate life and all the little things. My faith has strengthened and I feel my purpose. I learned that with my husband, my family, friends and most importantly God ALL things are possible.

Amy Lemaster
Hagerhill, KY