Wind Beneath Our Wings

In 1961, age 37, mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had 3 young girls at home. A biopsy under general anesthetic confirmed the diagnosis and a modified radical mastectomy was done the next day. Mom was also pregnant with her fourth child.
At that point she was concerned only for her family. She prayed for the baby's survival and to live long enough to arrange for her children's care should she not survive.
She did survive, as did the baby. He was born preemie, weighing a little more than 2 pounds and was 12 inches long. Though he had his share of health issues, he is alive and well today.
Dad's job required continual travel so when mom came home from the hospital she had to handle her house alone. She was tired, scared and in pain. She cared for us while carrying her son. She used a wringer washer, hung clothes to dry, kept house and stoked an old coal furnace. She learned humor and aceptance, which made recovery and living easier-a philosohy she believes still today.
At that time there were no support groups, no prosthesis, No "Reach for Recovery." You didn't talk about breast cancer then, it was a death sentence, not polite conversation. Her will to live and her love for her family sustained her.
She has since lost her mother and youngest daughter to breast cancer, and her father and husband to other cancers. She was there for all of them.
Mom will be a 50 year survivor in March 2011, giving hope and encouragement to other women facing this disease at each annual Relay for Life and other activities.
She is an inspiration, a true survivor.
She is the "Wind Beneath Our Wings."
Lovingly submitted by her children- Her LIfe!

Cheri Jackson
Port Huron, MI