Why not Me?

I was diagnosed on 5/24/2006 at age 44 with invasive lobular carcinoma. I endured surgery, a summer/fall of chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen/arimidex. It was a massively eye opening journey about the global epidemic of breast cancer. I've since become a loud and proud advocate for the cause and take any/every opportunity I can to use my voice, my body, my words and my mind to heighten awareness. I want to do my part in kicking the CAN out of CANcer. I'm a 7 year SURVIVOR. My tumor didn't show up on my yearly mammogram. It was a subsequent breast MRI that potentially saved my life because my type of tumor hides, grows and spreads, FAST. It never would've been detected on a mammogram and my prognosis may have been very different today had I not had the MRI. I credit my doctors, my family, my community and my dismissal of negativity with motoring through. I took the last year and 1/2 to document my journey in my new book, 'Why Not Me, cancer isn't picky...it just picks.' It's exclusively available on Amazon. I'm hoping that some of the vehemently personal issues I tackle in my story will resonate with women who may have suffered in silence like I did. It's not War and Peace, it's simply MY account of MY battle. I'm so grateful for the color pink now and listen intently when my body is speaking out. Namaste xo

Noreen Taranto
Mansfield, MA