Early in October I listened as my surgeon delivered the news to me. Cancer. Small. Stage 1. Lumpectomy and Radiation. No chemo. "We're not just looking at treatment, but Cure." All I zoned into was Cure, with a Capital C.
Start praying! Fortunately my Radiation Specialist clearly described options for radiation and with research before surgery, I was prepared to make the choice for brachytherapy with the Mammosite System. Finding no additional cancer in the sentinel node, my surgeon prepared the site for the Mammosite catheter at the same time.
The first week of October, cancer diagnosis delivered.
On Halloween, lumpectomy and sentinel node dissection.
On November 26th, the final radiation treatment. I spent the next day enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with friends, and I surely had a lot to be thankful for. Whew!
I was very lucky and never felt sick. Wasn't sure if I was really tired or enjoying being home and a little lazy.
My story isn't typical, but it can be. With a yearly mammogram allowed on my health care plan, I take advantage of it. No excuses! Absolutely follow up on any change since last year. Early detection led to what I believe is my Cure. And nothing can compare to having all of the Doctors and Facilities working together to my goal of Cure.
I know I had angels walking with me. God put one in the hospital hallways as I went to a biopsy alone. And He put one in the doctor's office when I needed someone to learn to dress my catheter and a friend said "I'll be there for you" then saw my left breast ten minutes later. I know my sister-in-law is my angel who flew 800 miles so I wouldn't go through surgery alone. Oh, those angels are everywhere!
Lincoln, RI