Where Breast Cancer Has Taken Me

In October of 2008 I was diagnosed with Invasive breast cancer. This came as a total surprise. In November I had a masectomy and began chemo. Six sessions of TAC, one every three week. Then came 28 day of radiation. It has now been 22 months and I am starting a breast cancer support in my home town of Mobile, Al. I was going through a bout of depression and my counselor suggested that I find a support group to join. Much to my surpirse I founf that Mobile did not have a breast cancer support group. I called several doctor's offices, and the American Cancer Society. I was told there use to be one but it fell apart. The ACS put me in touch with a group that sent me information on starting a support group. First I put together a borad of directors and we have meet and decided to call this group BFF (Breast Friends Forever). We have set up goals and a vision for the support group and have set our first meeting for August 3rd. We have a second meeting on July 20th and will go from there. We have made arrangements to get this in the local paper and to inform thelocal Doctor's to let their patients know. This group is for every breast cancer suvivor from first diagnosis to being cancer free for 50+ years.

Darlene Chavers
Mobile, AL