What you shouldn't do...

This unfortunately is not a story of survival, this is a story to learn from and by sharing my story, I hope even one person will understand the importance of getting routine mammograms. When my mother was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in November of 2011, I was so astounded to visually see the cancer on her breast and was flooded with the why questions going through my head! Why didn't she go to the doctor? Why didn't she get routine mammograms? After her death in March of 2013, I vowed that in some way, shape, or form, I needed to make sure woman know the importance of routine mammograms and not to fear the results. This fear cost my mother her life! So what's the point of this story? Don't do what she did...don't let fear consume you to the point of not getting proper healthcare! So what you should do is be brave, be courageous, and take that first step for a healthy you...what you shouldn't do is put it off, pass it off or ignore your symptoms because that my friends is what can save your life to this horrible disease! Only you know your body so take charge and do what you need to do to maintain a happy and healthy you!! So my plea is not to do what my mother did by putting it off or ignoring her symptoms!
My mother fought a great battle...she was courageous, and never complained, so I will always be proud of her! RIP Mom!

Orestes, IN