What Next?

After suffering with increasing problems breathing I finally received an appointment for a CT scan. The day after, I received a letter from the Consultant asking me to attend her clinic in three days time. It was to be in the MacMillan Clinic so I was already aware of my problem. When I arrived, she told me she was very sorry but it was very serious. I had a large tumour in my trachea and it was taking up 80% of my airway and it was 'incurable'.
I was quite calm but my husband crumbled. I was then rushed through to Norwich hospital where I was told by a lung specialist who had shown interest in my case, (it is a very rare type of cancer) that there were several things that he could do starting with the removal of the middle of the tumour and laser treatment. As I came round from surgery, I couldn't believe it, I could breathe!!!
Unfortunately, the tumour, although it doesn't spread, had grown into my oesophagus, meaning I had to have 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy.
My treatment finished exactly one year ago and I am still here! I have three monthly CT scans to check on the tumour but to date, it has remained stable.
I may never be cured, but I can live a healthy life, enjoying my children and my granddaughter and this is totally due to the skill of Mr Van Leuvan at Norwich hospital and the care of the radiotherapists at Adenbrook's hospital.

Maxine Wilson
Spalding, United Kingdom