What dosen't kill you only makes you stronger ...

On July 29, 2009 the bomb was dropped - You have breast cancer (stage IIIA with 3 positive lymphnotes)..Only 36 years old happy married with 2 boys 3 and 6 years old and NO cancer history in my family. Since then I have with great support been fighting my cancer battle! I had a double mastectomy followed with expanders on September 21, 2009 and has so far had 6 chemo treatments and ONLY 2 left - cant wait for Feburay 10th to come, so I can say I am done with chemo! After chemo I have my implant surgery scheduled for March and then another 6 weeks of radiation - it is a long and bumpy road, but I am keeping up the spirit and looking forward to putting this part of my life behind me. I/we have the best support network of friends and without same I could not have done this - and special thanks to my wonderful husband (who really has stepped us as Mr. Mom) and my best friend Debbie who has been there no matter what I need - love you guys!! To all the women out there in the same boat as me - keep fighting like a girl and stay positive!!! It is half the cure...

Anni Skeete

Anni Skeete
Laurence Harbor, NJ