What a Shock

For the first time on the 26 September I had a McMillan coffee morning in honour of my friends partner who had died in August after a brave fight. It was a success I made lots of money for cancer and met some fantastic people.
However 2 weeks later I found a lump in my breast and after a whirl wind of tests it was confirmed as Grade 3 aggressive Tumour. This was removed on the 9 December with 3 lympth nodes we went back on the 19th to be told cancer was in 1 out of the 3 nodes and I would need further surgery plus chemo and radiotherapy (what a lovely Christmas present).
My Chemo started on 14th January the nurses were brilliant my first was awful was sick for 24hrs and ended up in hospital. Next 2 were better given good anti sickness tablets, the next 2 were awful and did not manage number 6, again the staff were fantastic I was so worried but gave me such support. Had lymph node clearance on the 14th May no more cancer all clear (thank god). My radiotherapy starts on the 31st July last leg I hope. I would like to say lots of Thank You's to all the staff that have supported me the NHS could not pay them enough. To my fantastic family and friends and also to my new grand daughter soon to be born. I am hoping to be around to see her grow up and also my fantastic grandson xxx I feel so blessed xx I was so scared and unsure what the future held for me (still are) but I know with the support of people around and a positive attitude and gods help and presence (he listened when I needed him most) we can beat this horrible disgusting disease .God Bless to you all xxxx

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom