What a journey!

One Friday in Sept. 2007 while showering I felt a lump in my upper right breast. I wasn't too concerned until I looked in the mirror with my arms up and saw that my breast was dimpling. I told my mother what I saw since she was visiting while my husband was away on a 1 year remote to Korea with the USAF. She made me promise that I would call my doctor on Monday. So I called my doctor on Monday and within a week I had a mammogram, ultrasound, MRI and biopsy. On Oct 1, 2007 I was given my diagnosis of stage IV invasive ductal and lobular carsinoma. After 6 rounds of chemo, double radical mastectomy, 25 rounds of radiation and reconstruction, I am happy to say that I am free and clear of any cancer.

I knew I had to beat this cancer, after all, I have two beautiful girls, ages 10 & 6, that need their mommy and an awesome husband that needs his wife. This disease is sometimes a blessing, it shows a person what they can do with their trust in God and wonderful friends and family that support them all the way.

I am a huge believer of early detection. I had a baseline mammogram less then 11 months before my diagnosis. I had no other risk factors except for being a woman. No family history at all. Just goes to show that everyone needs to get an early baseline as well as doing self breast exams. I pray that they will find a cure for this horrible disease, but until then we need to make sure we are proactive in our own health care and don't let insurance companies dictate what we do to get better.

God Bless!

Kelly H
Oklahoma City, OK